Her Dreams and Aspirations – Insights
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- Her Dreams and Aspirations – Insights
Her Dreams & Inspirations
Her current dreams and inspiration revolves around Finance (52%), Career (26 %), Education (24%), Family (30%)

Among women dreaming of progressing their career, 29% aspire to get better jobs while 10% aspire to further studies. 41% of women who aspire to improve their financial status aim to either start or expand a business, while 8% aim at getting a well paying job.
Her Aspirations
The young woman dreams of employment in line with her studies... However entrepreneurship becomes more attractive as she grow older

Employment Aspirations
skewed to the 18 to 24-year-olds
“I've gained a lot of skills as a librarian in a research institution. Yeah. I'll be working with international organizations as a scholarly
librarian research.”
18 to 24 years old
Entrepreneurial Aspirations
skewed to the 25 years+
“I believe there's some companies that they prefer employing men rather than women, especially when it's a company that they're doing mostly night shifts.
Because they know women have a lot of
responsibilities in terms of being a working mom or all the time kids. So, I feel there's some companies that really, really don't tolerate such. So, they prefer
employing men.”
36 to 45 years old
Corporate Implications
- Among Women dreaming of progressing their career , 29% aspire to get better Jobs while 10% aspire to further their studies.
- 41% of women who aspire to improve their financial status aim to either start or expand their business.
- While 8% aim at getting a well paying job.
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